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A Knight to Remember

September 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Success Story

A Knight to RememberWhen we were children, we looked at the world with enchantment in our eyes. We wore gowns, crowns and capes and imagined ourselves as pretty princesses and noble knights. Now, years later, we have traded those imaginations for steady jobs and serious-looking suits. Breaking away from this norm is Sean Delaney. He has chosen a path that still allows him to play dress-up.

Ever since Grade 10 drama class, Delaney knew he was passionate about performing. “I liked working on plays and just entertaining others.” With this same motivation, Delaney went on to study theatre in university and is now head knight at Medieval Times. “One of the things that I love about performing is that every day I’m given the chance to take people out of the humdrum of their daily lives,” says the 35-year-old actor. Read more

Entourage: The Contemporary Definition of Cool

August 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Celebrity

EntourageGlamour has our society swimming in a sparkling sea of delusion and vanity has a whole new face that can’t move its forehead. With this in mind it is no wonder HBO’s hit show Entourage has become so popular. It reflects powerful distractions that throw human beings off their personal course to achieve their full potential, including the procrastinator’s drug of choice that’s being smoked in 50 per cent of their episodes – marijuana. The creators of Entourage continue to master in the art of manipulating and exploiting human weakness.

The team at Entourage has chosen not to shy away from the proverbial fast lane and the toxic consequences that their actors never take seriously. Also interesting is the real-world application of flirtation with this “road of spoils” or “fast-lane” lifestyle. This often tempts its patrons with an exciting taste for the senses that leads to a desire to continually live life in a way that ignores the inner Read more