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Angry? Listen Up!

January 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Health

Angry_ManYou wake up with a guttural groan and smack your alarm clock into submission. Round 1 ends in a knockout. The shower blasts you with cold water, inspiring a ghastly shriek filled with indignation. But just before you tell the shower head where to go, you hear one heck of a descriptive curse word echoing from the bedroom: your wife just stubbed her toe. That bedpost had it coming for a long time.

The drive to work begins innocently enough, until the driver in the car ahead of you suddenly decides he is going to turn left at the last second, leaving you trapped and helpless at the intersection. Oooh, this guy’s really asking for it! Then you turn on the radio for consolation only to be walloped with five straight minutes of commercials. On every station! Read more

Fit Soul, Fit Body: A Recipe for Happiness

June 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Health

Physically speaking, society isn’t what it used to be, and that’s a good thing. For the most part, we’ve migrated far beyond our TV-dinners and chain-smoking tendencies, into a world of flax spinach wraps and daily Pilates routines. Overall, we’re treating our bodies better. But physical fitness is just half the solution to a twofold problem. You don’t have to step back 2,500 years and consult the Buddha to realize balance is the key to completeness. If you read Fit Soul, Fit Body, it’s clear that reaching your highest level of health is about nourishing the physical and the spiritual, at the same time.

The book is the result of two experts, each in opposing fields, who combine their knowledge to form a one-stop guide to health and happiness. Brant Secunda, a world-renowned shaman and healer, brings his expertise from a 12-year pilgrimage with the Huichol – indigenous natives from Western Central Mexico Read more