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The Big Cheese

August 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Food

Finica0Sprinkled on a green, healthful salad, served as an hors d’oeuvres, warmed on a French stick or savoured as a dessert, goat cheese turns every celebration from blah to bold. With its distinctively creamy, sharp taste resounding on the palates of party-goers and soiree hosts with the most, goat cheese has over the years become a table favourite; a special guest star. Onto the red carpet rolls Celebrity International Goat Cheese with Cranberry and Cinnamon, a freshly festive delicacy bursting with warmth and surging with bodied flavour. Made in Canada using the premier milk of soybean-fed goats, Celebrity shines on its own or when complemented with a robust glass of red wine and spread across crunchy crackers. Introduced by Canadian Food and Restaurant Association member Finica Food Specialties Ltd., the contrasting sweetness of the Canadian cranberries marries nicely with the tartness Read more