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Jian Ghomeshi

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Success Story

Jian GhomeshiCity Life Magazine turns the tables on award-winning broadcaster and host of CBS Radio One’s talk program.

CL: Do you believe that someone in your position has a responsibility to give back?

JG: I’ve always been eager to do what I could to create social change; it didn’t come from any sort of ego-driven way. When I was a kid it was more so from the big questions that I had about the world that I couldn’t reconcile and that would really bother me: Why do we live in such an inegalitarian world, why does a woman make 70 per cent of what I make, why does this person get born into poverty and I’m in a middle class suburb? Those are just philosophical questions, something about the way I was brought up and the way I understood the world; it bothered me Read more