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Rendevous Limousines: Luxury Ride

June 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Wedding Guide


Every bride wants to make a grand entrance, and what better way to do it than reaching your destination in a luxurious limousine, alongside a formally attired chauffer? Arrive in style with Rendevous Limousines. Owners Simon Moniz and Joe Santaguida have been providing timely and professional service for the past 20 years. This dynamic duo will take the time to work with you, to bring to life your fairtytale vision. So sit back and enjoy the ride … after all, “We rendevous with class,” assures Moniz.
905.879.LIMO (5466)
8400 Jane St., Concord, ON


3 Responses to “Rendevous Limousines: Luxury Ride”

  1. nick on October 18th, 2010 9:38 am
    These people are the biggest thiefs in toronto. They will steal your deposit and never return it. They run, but they cant hide.

  2. nick on October 18th, 2010 9:40 am

    Joe Santaguida = to Alfrado Clayton
    Tina Moniz = Tina Clayton

    who are these people and why do they change there names so much?

    these people and the limo buisness is a front to steal your money

  3. Isabella on December 15th, 2010 4:29 pm

    This the the WORST limo company to deal with! EXTREMELY unprofessional. Once they have your money they will take it and run!!! DO NOT USE THEM — they are currently working out of the on of the Le Parc banquet hall locations — they seem to move around and change names!!!

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