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2008 Gala For SickKids

December 1, 2008 by  
Filed under People & Places


As her cherubic face moved slightly towards her loving parents, and her tiny fingers wiggled miraculously after life-saving surgery, little Sarah became a testament to the marvel of science that saves children every day at the Hospital for Sick Children. Six-year-old cancer patient Sarah was the guest of honour at the 2nd Annual 2008 Gala for SickKids, where hundreds of guests were charmed and inspired by her courageous battle with cancer on Nov. 8, 2008. The black-tie affair had guests grooving to soothing jazz by The Joe Manzoli Quartette, as they sipped on cocktails from the martini station. As a mouthwatering Italian dinner was served, attendees swayed to the music of The Sensation Show Band. A silent and live auction had many guests walk away with fantastic pieces, and an adorable Smart Car was the grand prize for the raffle draw. Over a dozen sponsors supported the event, including Mercedes Benz Barrie, Kahuna Powersports and Vespa Vaughan. SickKids’ Leaders Joseph Manzoli, Frank Mammoliti and Nick Grande say it took just one day for the tickets to the 2008 Gala for SickKids to sell out, and almost $80,000 was raised.

FROM LEFT: SickKids Leaders: Nick Grande, Joseph Manzoli, Frank Mammoliti, Russell Smith, honourary guest Sarah and her sister, Gillian; Lisa and Frank Mammoliti; Denise Higashi and Jennifer Lamons from SickKids Foundation; Nick Grande, Joseph Manzoli, Silent Auction Company’s Keith Vriesen, Frank Mammoliti; 2009 Vespa from Vespa Vaughan featured in the live auction; Raffle prize Smart Car from Mercedes Benz Barrie; Wendy and Nick Grande; Silent auction


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